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The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has appointed Dr. Giorgio Beretta, Dr. Claudio Cipollini and Ms. Svitlana Buriak as assistant professors in the field of tax law. The incoming experts will join the Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL) and will play an important role in the research project “Designing the tax system for a Cashless, Platform-based and Technology-driven society” (CPT project).

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has appointed 3 new assistant professors in the field of tax law. Dr. Giorgio Beretta, has been appointed assistant professor in the field of indirect taxation, with a special focus on the implications of cashless payments, online platforms and digital technologies (including automated decision making) on tax systems. Dr. Claudio Cipollini, has been appointed assistant professor in the field of tax & technology with a special focus on distributed ledger technologies (including blockchain). Finally, Ms. Svitlana Buriak has been appointed assistant professor in the field of the taxation of the digitalized economy, with a special focus on developing countries.  

After working at foreign universities, Beretta, Cipollini and Buriak will transfer to the UvA and will join the Amsterdam Centre for Tax Law (ACTL). The incoming experts will conduct collaborative research under the umbrella of the research project "Designing the tax system for a Cashless, Platform-based and Technology-driven society” (CPT project)

With their expertise and research, the appointed assistant professors will contribute to the overall goal of the CPT project, which is to provide stakeholders and policy-makers with technical tools to make tax systems more fair, efficient and difficult to circumvent.

About Giorgio Beretta 

Dr. Giorgio Beretta has a Ph.D. in Tax Law (LIUC University, Italy) and LL.M. in International Tax Law (IBFD/Amsterdam University, Netherlands). Giorgio is an Editorial Member of the international journals “Intertax”, “Highlights & Insights on European Taxation”, and “Kluwer International Tax Blog”, and a lawyer admitted to the Italian Bar. In 2019, his doctoral thesis on “European VAT and the Sharing Economy” was published in the Wolters Kluwer EUCOTAX Series on European Taxation (No. 65). In 2020, Giorgio also received the “IFA President YIN Scientific Award” for his article “Citizenship and Tax” published in IBFD’s "World Tax Journal".

About Claudio Cipollini 

Dr. Claudio Cipollini graduated in law with honors from the University of Pisa in 2005 and obtained a Ph.D in law from Radboud University Nijmegen in 2019. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at Heidelberg University and an adjunct professor of European Taxation Law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Claudio is also a tax lawyer admitted to the Italian Supreme Court and the founding partner of RCLex – Law Firm based in La Spezia, Italy.

About Svitlana Buriak 

Svitlana Buriak is pursuing a Ph.D. in International Tax Law at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). She holds an LL.M. degree in International Business Law and a B.Sc. degree in Finance. In her Ph.D., Svitlana dealt with analyzing and developing methods for taxation of digital platforms, and the impact of digitalization on the internationalization and profit-generation strategies of the platform-based business models. In fall 2021 she will defend her PhD at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Her main areas of expertise are international taxation of automated digital services, transfer pricing, and state aid.  She also worked as a legal and investment consultant providing pre-investment and legal support of IT companies in corporate law, international taxation, IP protection regimes, etc. She received the WU Research Award for 2019 and 2020.

More information

See the CPT project website


  • Prof. dr. Dennis Weber, Director of the ACTL and CPT project’s General Supervisor, e-mail: d.m.weber@uva.nl  

Source: ACTL/UvA