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In the Bachelor’s in Business Analytics you learn how to apply AI/machine learning, econometrics/statistics, optimisation and computer science/programming techniques within a data-rich business and management environment. These methods will help you to understand and use data to solve a wide array of business cases and problems within organisations. How can we predict and manage what product or at what price level our customers will buy next time? How can we detect and prevent fraud in our online business? How do social media popularity impact on a brands’ success? What can we do by using big data to make our manufacturing process more efficient? As a business analyst, you help organisations improve their performance with your analysis, interpretation and recommendations on these kinds of questions, using data.

The programme

Our Bachelor’s in Business Analytics integrates 3 important fields: Analytics, (Business) Economics and Computer science. Together they make up the international working environment of the business analyst. It is this distinctive combination that will make your degree stand out to future employers.

Although the focus differs significantly from that of our Bachelor’s in Econometrics and Data Science, you will share lectures and study groups in some parts of the programme.

  • Analytics for a Better World
    Period 1

    This hands-on course revolves around real-life data-centric cases with a societal impact. It teaches you some basic business analytics methods and simple machine learning techniques so that you can have a solid and practical introduction with the world of analytics. You analyse, interpret and process the data yourself.

  • Mathematics 1: Calculus
    Period 1

    This course focuses on calculus at the academic level. The lectures give you a general introduction to the theory. During tutorials, you deepen theoretical insights through discussion of practical problems, exercises and further applications.

  • Microeconomics for AE
    Period 2

    In this course, you focus on theory and mathematical methods needed to perform a thorough analysis of microeconomic models. During the Skills & Mentoring segment you search academic sources and produce a literature review on a related topic.

  • Probability Theory and Statistics 1
    Period 2

    This course gives you a solid understanding of probability theory and statistics; an indispensable basis for many subsequent courses in the programme. During lectures, we discuss relevant topics step-by-step. The exercises you prepare for the tutorials serve as an illustration of their application.

  • Introduction to Programming
    Period 3

    In this course, we cover the framework of computer programming and its concepts. We dive into step-by-step programming and gradually go more into detail with the use of Python programming language.

  • Finance for AE
    Period 4

    This course is your introduction into modern finance in today’ business landscape. Central topics are the assessment and financing of investment projects. You also get acquainted with the fundamental relationship between risk and return by learning about modern portfolio theory and the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).

  • Mathematics 2: Linear Algebra
    Period 4

    This course provides you with a solid basis of linear algebra as indispensable knowledge for the remaining study in Business Analytics with its different applications. You practice the theory through exercises and will also learn how to use computer software (R) to solve larger problems.

  • Business Law and Ethics for Business Analytics
    Period 5

    The course introduces you to the role and value of business law and ethics in business analytics and its applications. In this course, along with main concepts and topics in business law, you also focus on topics such as data protection, privacy and data in digital world and the ethics in the context of data centric business.

  • Probability Theory and Statistics 2
    Period 5

    In this course we have a further focus on Probability Theory and Statistics and build on what you learned in PBS 1. We help you step by step create a sound theoretical basis. Each step comes with exercises that we discuss during weekly tutorials. Writing code for a software package (e.g. R) for (simple) simulation is also part of this course.

  • Introduction Data Science: Data Preprocessing
    Period 6

    This course covers the basics of how and when to perform data preprocessing. This essential step in any data analysis and machine learning project is when you get your data ready for modeling. Also part of this course is the (preparation of) a presentation of a related scientific subject.

  • Algorithms and Data Structures in Python
    Period 1

    This course provides you the fundamental knowledge and understanding on data structures and algorithms. Learn about common algorithms, algorithmic paradigms and data structures used to solve these problems. Use the Python programming language to implement and test algorithms and data structures on realistic datasets.

  • Mathematics 3: Advanced Linear Algebra and Real Analysis
    Period 1

    In this course you learn about different methods and results from linear algebra and real analysis. Also, you use software package Python to apply these methods to solve and report on problems.

  • Machine Learning
    Period 2

    This course provides an introduction to machine learning methods and models for the students with little to no knowledge of the subject. Learn about main characteristics, apply methods on different types of data and assess the performance of methods using different metrics.

  • Operations Research - Deterministic Methods
    Period 2

    This course introduces various modelling and solution methods in operations research when parameters of optimization problems are deterministic. In addition to investigating the mathematical principles and the algorithms, you are expected to model and solve.

  • Management Consulting - Operational Excellence
    Period 3

    Managing a business involves identifying, analysing and improving organisational processes. In this course, you learn about Lean Six Sigma’s DMAIC (Define / Measure / Analyse / Improve / Control) model, the world standard for problem-analysis in business and industry.

  • Econometrics 1
    Period 4

    Econometrics uses economic theory, mathematics, and statistics to quantify, model, analyse and understand economic phenomena. In this course, you explore and learn how to apply the so-called multiple regression model. This course is an implicit entry requirement of the second-year course Empirical Project.

  • HR Analytics
    Period 4

    The use of HR analytics can assess the impact of HR initiatives on employees, teams, the organisation and consequently, on business results. This course provides you with the necessary theoretical background on strategic HRM and HR analytics and its application in organisations.

  • Accounting and Control
    Period 5

    In this course you focus on developing tools and frameworks for analysing the financial position and performance in external markets of individual organisations and its subunits (including business units, products and costumers).

  • Operations Research - Stochastic Methods
    Period 5

    This course gives you an introduction to the theories behind operations research when the application of deterministic models fall short, for example when randomness and uncertainty play a significant role.

  • Entrepreneurship - Hackathon
    Period 6

    This immersive course consists of a mix of entrepreneurship lectures and workshops and a hands-on hackathon in which your student team develops a prototype of a novel digital product based on a solid business model.

  • Free-choice electives: Studying abroad, or Minor, or Electives
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3

    Minor programme, studying abroad, company Internship, or 5 electives courses.

  • Marketing Analytics
    Period 4

    In this course you focus on methods and models to analyse, predict and manage marketing performance to optimize campaigns and strategies. By understanding which marketing instruments and activities are most effective, companies can allocate their resources more efficiently and make better and data-centric strategic decisions.

  • Text Retrieval and Mining
    Period 4

    During this course, we focus on how to apply computer science and machine learning to the automation of tasks that humans perform on collections of texts, the most common form of unstructured data in business analytics. For example, grouping news articles by common topics, analysing social media posts or identifying plagiarism.

  • Computer Systems and Engineering - Information and Data management
    Period 5

    Blockchain, Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence are impacting how we work, communicate, compete, socialise and much more. This course provides you with a deeper understanding of some of the most important digital technologies and their underlying principles.

  • Bachelor’s Thesis and Thesis Seminar Business Analytics
    Period 5
    Period 6

    Is there a recent development or business idea that sparks your enthusiasm? While writing your thesis, you have the chance to explore it while simultaneously training your ability to independently conduct relevant and valuable research.

Compulsory course
  • Your study week

    All courses are taught in English and combine theory and practice. You will work on exciting business cases and learn how to execute data science and business analytics projects from beginning to end.

    • Lectures (8 hours): Lectures give an introductory overview into the course content. You will attend them together with your fellow students. You take notes and have the opportunity to ask questions.
    • Seminars (6 hours): During seminars, you will discuss specific subjects from the lectures in small groups. Exercises and practice assignments will help you to become adept with the theory.
    • Practicals (2 hours): During practicals, you learn how to work with various mathematical and statistical computer programmes.
    • Self-study (24 hours): During your study week, you spend time to study theory, and prepare lectures and seminars, exams or presentations.
    • Skills & Connect: In the first 6 months of your studies, you will receive weekly coaching from a senior student in a fixed group. This mentor will help you learn to study more effectively, and you will work together on your basic mathematics and statistics skills. In the meantime, you will also get to know your fellow students.
  • Year 1: develop a solid foundation

    You will gain a basic understanding of how organisations work and interact with their environment. At the same time, you learn how to apply quantitative methods and techniques to analyse these processes and activities

  • Year 2: specialise in business analytics & develop entrepreneurial skills

    You will acquire entrepreneurial knowledge and further analytical skills to develop a new company with a digital business component. You will also further develop your ability to model business problems in different fields of business, using analytic methods from data science, AI/machine learning and computer science.

  • Year 3: customise your programme

    First semester

    My Semester: customise your programme

    Your 3rd year is all about exploring your individual academic interests. The 1st semester of this year is all yours to construct. Options include an internship, studying abroad, taking a minor or electives.

    • Do an internship: work at a company where you can put the experience and skills that you have gained into practice.
    • Study abroad: spend a semester studying at one of our many partner universities to give you an exciting experience.
    • Take a minor programme at the UvA or elsewhere: this gives you a chance to broaden and differentiate your knowledge. Expand your knowledge and stand out from the crowd with a mini study programme in a completely different field such as Philosophy, Law or Italian Studies. You can choose between over 120 Dutch and over 70 English minors at the UvA.
    • Choose 5 electives from a list of Bachelor’s courses.

    Second semester

    Besides this, you take common courses that boost your background in business analytics:

    • Text Retrieval and Mining (6 EC)
    • Marketing Analytics (6 EC)
    • Computer Systems and Engineering / Information and Data Management (6 EC)
    • Bachelor Thesis and Thesis Seminar Business Analytics (12 EC)
  • Thesis

    Is there a particular recent development that sparks your enthusiasm, or do you have a great business idea of your own? While writing your thesis, you have the chance to explore it fully while simultaneously training your ability to independently conduct relevant and valuable research. Your thesis is the final requirement to be completed in order to graduate. Supervised by our researchers, you will follow a clearly defined path that will lead to your graduation with a Bachelor's degree.

  • Watch the recording of the online information session
    Online information session of the bachelor's Business Analytics
    Dr. Umut Konus, programme director of the Bachelor’s programme in Business Analytics, explains during this online information session what you can expect of this challenging Bachelor's programme. Additionally two of our students share their experiences with this Bachelor’s and student life in Amsterdam.
Hi, I'm Mariam! I'm a Bachelor’s student in Business Analytics from Georgia. Got questions about studying at the UvA? Get in touch. Chat with Mariam
Additional options during your studies
Real-life case: Analytics for a better world

The Red Cross has funds to build hospitals in poor countries. What are the best locations to place these hospitals so that they can be used by as many people as possible? To decide those locations in an optimal way, various types of data can be used, such as population demographics, health indicators (e.g., where life expectancy is lowest), infrastructure availability, and poverty rates. During this Bachelor's, you learn how to apply data science and machine learning techniques to help solve problems in a wide range of industries, including health care and development aid.

Self driving cars
Real-life case: self-driving cars in life-or-death situations

The introduction of self-driving cars raises various ethical dilemmas. Consider the following scenario: someone suddenly runs onto the road. Should the car try to avoid them, potentially endangering its passengers? How should self-driving cars act in different accident scenarios? Learn how to give data-driven, concrete, and ethically responsible answers to these questions. This is done using empirical data, advanced statistical models, and programming and data processing skills.

Mahika Raj
The programme actively discusses societal and environmental issues and how our study can be effectively used in coming up with solutions. The lecturers also share their experiences which give a good view of real life applications of our study. Mahika Raj, student Business Analytics

Sustainability, responsibility and ethics integrated in the curriculum

In this Bachelor’s programme, you will not only learn all about business, big data, AI/machine learning and computer science, but also about significant social issues such as the environment, sustainability, climate and famine. You’ll learn how ethical, social and sustainability issues factor into business decisions and can be integrated into a business strategy. 

How are these themes integrated into the curriculum?

For example, the course Analytics for a Better World revolves around real-life cases with a high societal impact. Ethics is also a key and recurring topic in the study programme: what are and aren’t you allowed to do with data?  In the course Business Law and Ethics for Business Analytics, along with main concepts and topics in business law, you also focus on topics such as data protection, privacy and data in digital world and the ethics in the context of data centric business.

Throughout this 3-year Bachelor’s programme, ethics, (corporate social) responsibility and sustainability will remain important topics.

Frequently asked questions
  • What's the difference between the Bachelor's in Business Analyics and Econometrics and Data Science?

    The difference between the Bachelor’s programme in Business Analytics and in Econometrics is that Business Analytics is data-driven and Econometrics is theory-driven.

    •  Business Analytics students use data by applying AI/machine learning technologies to address complex business-related issues in a broad scale thus: finance, marketing, accounting, Human Resources, entrepreneurship and other subdomains in business. Business Analytics bridges the gap between analytics and computer science on the one hand and economics (including business economics) on the other.
    • Econometrics and Data Science students develop econometric models, apply them to micro- and macroeconomic issues and analyse the impact of these on economic policy.

    The level of mathematics in Business Analytics is similar to that in the Econometrics and Data Science programme. The main difference lies in the balance between practical-use and theoretical aspects of mathematical topics and methods. Business Analytics students focus more on the applied and practical side of mathematics in follow-up courses. However, this does not mean that the mathematics in Business Analytics is any less challenging than in the Bachelor’s programme of Econometrics and Data Science.

  • Do you need to excel in mathematics before you start with Business Analytics?

    It is important that you both enjoy and are good at mathematics in Business Analytics programme. In the 1st year in particular, foundational courses in mathematics and statistics will feature heavily and intensively.

  • Do you need programming skills before you start with Business Analytics?

    No, all you need to know about programming will be taught in the course of the degree programme.

  • What kind of courses will you take?

    The Bachelor’s programme in Business Analytics focuses on 3 main areas of study: analytics, (business) economics and computer science. You will take courses in programming, artificial intelligence, mathematics, statistics and econometrics. Besides, you will take courses in finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, organisational studies and strategy. All courses have a fun practical component, so that you will be able to apply what you have learned in practice immediately.

  • Does this Bachelor's programme solely focus on business matters or does it also focus on societal issues?

    By studying this Bachelor’s programme, you will not only find out all about business, but also about significant social issues such as the environment, climate, famine and thus will also focus on citizen-science, non-profit and social-public services. Ethics is a key and recurring topic: what are and aren’t you allowed to do with data?

  • Why is this a unique Bachelor's programme?

    This Bachelor’s programme prepares you comprehensively for the future. After obtaining your Bachelor’s degree, for example, you will be able to build a self-driving vehicle or calculate the best price for a plane ticket or hotel room. During our 3-year Bachelor’s programme, you will learn everything there is to know in the fields of mathematics, statistics, business administration and artificial intelligence; knowledge and skills you need, to tackle the challenges described above. There are just a few Bachelor’s programmes in the Netherlands that offer this combination of knowledge and skills.

  • Will you be mentored during your studies?

    To make the transition from secondary school to university as easy as possible, you will receive extra guidance in the 1st year and will be assigned a tutor. This tutor will introduce you to both the campus and the city of Amsterdam, so you will quickly feel at home. This senior student will also give you tips on how to study smart, and you can discuss your study goals and progress. Also during the rest of your studies you can count on support from our study advisers, mentors, tutors and our Economics and Business Career Centre. You can contact our experienced student advisers for questions about your Bachelor's programme, study planning or personal circumstances that may affect your studies.