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Choosing the right study programme will increase your chance of being successful in your studies. For this reason, UvA Matching is an essential part of your enrollment in a Bachelor’s programme. You will get acquainted with the programme before you really start studying. This way, you will test your choice for a certain study programme. Participation in UvA Matching is mandatory for all students.


The online UvA Matching at Human Geography and Planning is from Monday 6 May - Friday 14 June 2024.


  1. Register via Studielink and receive a message with your UvAnetID (access code)
  2. Register yourself via your personal 'Enrolment Checklist' for the subject Matching Human Geography and Planning
  3. You receive an e-mail about how and when you can log in and other details about the Matching

Online Matching

Study materials will be available on our digital learning environment Canvas, login with UvAnetID, read the instructions, study the literature, watch the videos and make the assignments.

The deadline to complete the matching is on 14 June 2024, 11:59 p.m. This deadline is final. After this deadline, it is not possible to complete the matching.

After completing the Matching you will receive an advising letter. This advice is not binding. You are strongly advised to reconsider your choice of study if the advice is negative.

Remember that participation in UvA Matching is mandatory for all new students.

Meet & Match

We will conclude our Matching with an on-campus Meet & Match meeting on Tuesday 25 June. The exact times and details will follow on Canvas. To make this afternoon possible, we are working together with our study association Sarphati. Participation in the Meet & Match is not mandatory, yet highly recommended.

Any questions on the Matching can be addressed to the Education Desk Social Sciences through edss@uva.nl or 0031 (0)20 525 3777.