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Why study Media and Information at the UvA?

Choose your specialisation

This cutting-edge programme combines the most recent developments in the field while offering you the freedom to choose your own area of specialisation.

Hands-on and practical

The programme not only teaches you applied research skills, but it also helps you develop conceptual and critical capabilities.

Focus on research

Conduct digital media related research in our state-of-the-art medialab, and employ the most advanced digital research methods, information systems and software tools.

Ambitious international environment

You will discuss the global media landscape with leading experts from all over the world and an international student community.

Is Media and Information right for you?

  1. You are interested in the relationship between culture and technology, and how we constantly interact with and through digital media in our everyday lives.
  2. You want to learn advanced conceptual and practical tools to understand the shifts in culture and society brought about by the constant transformation of the media.
  3. You are keen to study in the thriving Amsterdam community of new media companies, digital art institutions, creative industries, game and app developers, archives and museums.
  4. You are eager to be part of an international classroom of 200 first-year students. 
Copyright: Greetje van der Werf
I am specifically interested in online subcultures. Jesper Lust, alumnus Media and Information Read the interview
Programme video
UvA Bachelor's programme in Media and Information explained

Find out in 6 minutes what the Media and Information programme is about and why you should study it at the University of Amsterdam.

What does your week look like as a student?

Wondering what your weekly schedule will be at Media and Information? Then download the brochure with a sample timetable and additional information about this study.

Degree certificate

Media and Information is an accredited degree programme. After completion of this programme, you will receive a legally accredited Bachelor's degree and the title Bachelor of Arts (BA).

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
BA Media and Information
Regular study programme
180 ECTS, 36 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
RIO code
University Quarter