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The Talent Development Programme (TDP) connects PPLE’s academic content with real-world contexts. They organise events, workshops ranging from technical skills to professional talks and community engagement events. TDP tries to create spaces in which students can apply the knowledge they gain in their multidisciplinary courses to their future, in order to experience PPLE to the fullest.

TDP’s activities include, for example, seminars by financial experts, our own alumni, or researchers, as well as debates with politicians or entrepreneurs. TDP also encourages students to start their own initiatives and provide hands-on help to get things started. An example is the collaboration with periodics, an initiative to ensure that menstrual hygiene products are freely available to all, just like toilet paper. In a student-led initiative, TPD x periodics set up a pilot during which all bathrooms at PPLE were equipped with free sanitary products.

As you give back to the community, the community will educate you. Practical experience during your studies will also make you more employable later on and better able to fill society's needs for knowledgeable, active and engaged professionals.

Visit the TDP website for more information.

PPLE students at the EP in Brussels


  • Visit to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague
  • Visit to the European Parliament in Brussels

Professional skills

  • Academic writing
  • Speech writing
  • Presentation skills


Curious about some of the guest speakers they have had at their events? Here are some of them:

  • Herman van Hebel, Registrar of the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
  • Thomas Pogge, Director of the Global Justice Program and Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs at Yale University
  • Henk Jan Beltman, CEO of slave-free chocolate company Tony Chocolonely
  • Sander Wirken, PhD candidate in International Law and documentary maker ('Burden of Peace')
  • Coen Brummer, speechwriter Dutch Ministry of Security & Justice
  • Caroline Buisman and Melinda Taylor, human rights attorneys