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Cheryn Ro, student Sociology

Hi, I'm Cheryn, a second-year sociology bachelor from Korea. I have spent the majority of my life outside of Korea, though. For nine years, I lived in Thailand, and then for seven years in Indonesia.

When I was looking into potential universities, I fell in love with UvA because I heard that it's the perfect place to broaden your perspective and meet diverse people, which was exactly what I was looking forward to.

Why did I choose Sociology?

The sociology program is an excellent choice for those who are curious about how society operates and how various institutions are interconnected and function together. The subjects are highly specialized, and through studying each of them, I gained an understanding of their roles in society and how they contribute to social issues.

We delve into specific theories related to race, gender, class, and more. What I appreciate about this program is that it allows you to step away from the familiar routines of everyday life and challenge the obvious to explore new perspectives.

What I wish I knew before

If you're thinking about studying here, know that finding a place to live in Amsterdam can be a bit tricky. I suggest finding a place fast and connecting with different groups.

Another piece of advice regarding the programme is to prepare for its academic workload. Otherwise, passing the first year can be quite challenging. I suggest taking breaks when you need and studying when you should, aiming for a healthy balance.

What I love about this programme at the UvA

It lets you explore your personal interests. The first year is about basic sociology theories, and the second year goes more in-depth. This helped me find what I'm interested in.

I’m still not sure what I want to do, but what makes UvA appealing is there are lots of people who can help you figure out your path. I had one of the best tutors who consistently listened to my concerns and assisted me in finding my academic path. You can also talk to the programme coordinator for guidance.