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Aletta D'Cruz and Anna Dittrich share their experiences studying Journalism, Media and Globalisation (Erasmus Mundus)
Aletta D'Cruz

Aletta D'Cruz, India

Your track in one sentence:

Challenging, inspiring and a lot of fun. Studying Politics & Communication at the University of Amsterdam was an enriching experience, both personally and professionally, with constant encouragement and a well-placed support system all through the journey.

Why did you choose this track?

Media and politics have always shared a very delicate relationship in my opinion – one that caught my interest as a journalist. Considering the good ranking that the UvA holds, this was the perfect opportunity for me to explore my interest and develop my skills as a researcher.

What do you recommend future students of this track?

In the beginning your entire experience at UvA may seem a bit overwhelming and sometimes even scary. Hang in there! Allow yourself to be challenged, explore different subjects and you will soon enjoy your time here.

Anna Dittrich

Anna Dittrich, Germany

Why did you choose this track?

I’m very interested in political journalism and would like to work in the field myself. The relationship between the media and politics is fascinating and hugely influential in regards to how people receive and understand politics. But if somebody wants to understand politics one must also understand the relationship between the media and politicians. This programme is very useful for providing necessary insights into these dynamics.

How has this track helped you develop?

The classes taught me both the main principles of political communication and also allowed me to develop specific knowledge. One of my favorite courses for example dealt with the communication strategies of the European Union.

What do you recommend future students of this track?

Take in as much as you can! There are lots of opportunities to develop your skills in classes, both as an academic and as a journalist. You can get a lot out of every course you will take!