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josien de haan

Josien Haan

“After completing my Bachelor’s in Artificial Intelligence, I chose the Master’s in Bioinformatics. The compulsory subjects are very wide-ranging, because they are drawn from various approaches within biology as well as from mathematics and computer science. The supervision is personal and a lot of time is set aside for work placements. All this provides a great deal of scope for your own initiatives, internationally and here in the Netherlands.

During my Master's programme I got the chance to study for six months in Stockholm. That certainly added a lot to my Master's experience. The Bioinformatics group has an international orientation and the classes are taught in English. Since English is the most widely used language in science, it means that you are well prepared for the future.”

Ima natasari

Ina Natasari 

”Studying Bioinformatics means being prepared to learn about the fundamentals of many disciplines, including biology, informatics, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. This Master's programme is really challenging for me since I only have an informatics background. However, members of the group have been helping me tackle my weak areas. The programme's flexibility and the accessibility of the staff for questions are some of the things that I really like here.

As to the question of why pursue a Master's in Bioinformatics, all I can say is: that's where the future is going. All of the scientific information we have today can be processed by means of bioinformatics, which can, in turn, yield even more valuable information.”