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Student Biomedical Sciences: Cellular and Network Neuroscience
Arnie Boender
Photo: Arnie Boender

Cellular and Network Neuroscience

‘I chose Biomedical Sciences: Cellular and Network Neuroscience, because it prepares students for a broad area of neurobiology research in subjects that are yet unknown to scientists today. I really enjoyed the Bachelor’s programme Psychobiology at the UvA – this Master’s programme seemed like a logical follow-up.’

Study programme

‘The group is small so we get a lot of personal guidance during courses. Since these are very intense, people in the Master’s programme have to work together a lot. This thrives us to compete and work hard. Besides that, it also leads to a lot of friendships in which we share some unique experiences, like dissecting a human brain. During the programme, I learned a lot about neurophysiological processes and research methods. I gained a lot of knowledge about electrophysiological methods which are used to understand brain functioning.’

‘I did two internships: the first one, in the Cellular and Systems Neurobiology Group of the UvA, I brought my theoretical knowledge into practice. I enjoyed electrophysiological research and decided to do a similar second internship at the University of Lund (Sweden). Here, I used similar techniques for epilepsy research. After finishing my Master’s programme, I would like to continue neurobiology research in a PhD. I like working in the lab and reveal unknown mechanisms that contribute to our understanding of brain functioning.’

Student life

‘The faculty is basically a small society where everybody knows each other. During my internship, I also met a lot of people from other research groups. In my first year and during the Bachelor’s programme, I played tennis in the student tennis association and enjoyed life outside studying. I am also a member of the activity comity of the student Association of the faculty (CONGO). Amsterdam is a great city – there is always a lot to do. Especially during my time in Lund, which is a lot smaller than Amsterdam, I really started to appreciate living here.’