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If you are a Technical Art History graduate, you can venture into the job market directly or embark on an academic career. With a Master's degree in one of the nine conservation disciplines in hand, you can continue in the Advanced Professional Programme to become a conservator.

Becoming a conservator

After completing the Master’s programme and being admitted to the Advanced Professional Programme, you will receive a grant. The Advanced Professional Programme provides an intensive programme of supervised learning. Through participation in conservation and research projects, you build the skills and competences to undertake conservation projects independently and gain experience in dealing with more complex conservation issues. Upon completion of the Advanced Professional Programme, you will be certified and registered as a qualified conservator.

The job market

Qualified conservators may work for a wide range of public or private institutions involved in cultural heritage care. You may work in a museum, art gallery, library, or scientific laboratory, to set up as an independent practitioner, or to join an existing commercial studio.  A 2019 survey among alumni showed that 82% worked in the field of Cultural Heritage, either in permanent jobs, temporary jobs with the prospect of permanent employment or as free-lancers.

For example, some of our alumni currently work at the Armémuseum, the Allard Pierson Museum, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, The Rijksmuseum, the Mauritshuis, the Van Gogh Museum as well as private workshops such as Plowden and Smith (UK).

An academic career

Graduates of the programme who are passionate about research and show a high level of aptitude, are also well-equipped to pursue a career in academia, enrolling as a PhD at the University of Amsterdam, another Dutch university or a university abroad.

Do you have ambitions to start your own business? The Humanities Venture Lab is the place for the humanities entrepreneur starting out. As a student or alumnus, you can find training, coaching, inspiration sessions, and a workplace here. Watch the video’s below to see what the Humanities Venture Lab can do for you.

What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab

Your diploma is not a farewell

After graduating, you don't have to say goodbye to the University of Amsterdam! We are happy to help you develop your career. You can join the young alumni programme, which will assist you in mapping out your career. And as an alumnus, you can also still use the Student Careers Centre.