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Pride University is proud to present a programme where we learn, inspire and educate on LGBTQIA+ topics at The Student Hotel City Centre during Pride Amsterdam. Pride University is a joint effort by Amsterdam's higher educational institutes, the VU, UvA, AUAS and Inholland, and their pride organisations. During this week, The Student Hotel will become the Pride Hotel. From Monday to Friday, 17:00 to 19:00, we'll be offering a workshop/masterclass or interactive lecture in the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.
Event details of Pride University
Start date
1 August 2022
End date
5 August 2022

Monday, 1 August: Cross-dressing & Queer Desire in the Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare wrote the most famous love poem in the world about a man and his plays were full of cross-dressing and queer kisses. In other words, the works of William Shakespeare were pretty damn queer. In this lecture, we'll explore the queerness present in the works of William Shakespeare in the context of the time in which they were first presented.


Tuesday, 2 August: Inholland presents Vineyard World

What is vogue in all its glory and meaning? A mini lecture and masterclass Ballroom/Vogue by ballroom pioneer and Mother of House of Vineyard, Amber Vineyard.


Wednesday, 3 August: Intersectionality, but how? (CANCELLED)

In this talk, we will face the complexity of intersectionality together. With humour, a personal note, lots of questions, and hopefully some answers, we will focus on the 'how' of intersectionality. How can you implement this concept into your life and work, without getting stuck on simplifications?

Thursday, 4 August: VR for Diversity - From Damsels in Distress to Gaymers in Control

In this lecture, we will first take a dive into video game history and the ways gender has been represented throughout the years, hopping from Miss PacMan to Lara Croft and from Donkey Kong to Horizon Zero Dawn. After discussing some curious events in the history of queer gaming, the HvA research project VR for Diversity will be introduced. We’ll proudly present the experience Amelia’s Dream on sexism and gender(in)equality and our Virtual Museum Exhibition about LGBTIQ+, created by the students of the Master Digital Design.


Friday, 5 August: Pinkwashing 101: how organisations engage with LGBTQIA+ themes and how it should be done

In this interactive masterclass, Anna Berbers will address the topic of pinkwashing and how it is experienced by LGBTQIA+ individuals. Many organisations communicate about LGBTQIA+ topics with the outside world in advertisements and in their social media presence, much more often during pride. With this communication, the companies try to present themselves as an ally to LGBTQIA+ individuals, while their behaviour towards this group is in some cases less than supportive. We will discuss different sides to this topic and explore how corporations can communicate more inclusively, without engaging in the ‘sin’ of pinkwashing.
