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Starting from 1st September, ACES affiliate member Paul Van den Noord becomes an external expert in the EU twinning project on 'Stengthening Parliamentary Oversight in Public Finances' in Georgia. This twinning Project aims to strengthen parliamentary oversight in public finances by supporting ongoing developments of Parliamentary Budget Office and Budget and Finance Committee, their analytical capacity and communication strategies with stakeholders. It also ensures improved cooperation with civil society and general public.
Paul van den Noord
Paul van den Noord

As an external expert, he is responsible to give advice on the substance and format of the periodic publications of the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) in Georgia, in particular their annual, quarterly and monthly macroeconomic reviews and their quarterly and annual macroeconomic forecasts.

Since this is a twinning project with the Netherlands, the idea is to use equivalent Dutch publications as a benchmark. Mr van den Noord will be part of a small team of experts covering various outputs and tools of the PBO, including its economic models and its method of assessing the government’s draft budget.