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Amsterdam Business School MBA students presented their project results during the ‘Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability’ course to five VodafoneZiggo directors on Tuesday 15 October.
MBA Amsterdam Business School

In the course Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability, MBA student teams explored business cases related to real-life ethical situations, corporate responsibility practices and sustainability innovations under the guidance of VodafoneZiggo business owners. Some of the topics were: protection of child privacy, ethical reduction of consumer credit, consumer behaviour and climate change. At the end of the day, the business owners picked the three most innovative and insightful projects that students will subsequently pitch to the board of the company.

MBA and corporate contacts

This is the third year in a row that VodafoneZiggo and the Amsterdam Business School’s MBA programme have collaborated in the Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability course. The day was led by Tim Langelaar (Senior Privacy, Risk & Compliance Manager at VodafoneZiggo) in collaboration with the lecturer and five business owners. The course is led by Dr Arno Kourula (ABS, Strategy and Marketing section).

Please contact Arno Kourula for more information.