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The research schools of the Faculty of Humanities (ACLC, AHM, ARTES, ASCA, ASH, and the interfaculty institute ILLC) have been working on recruiting new PhD candidates – one for each school. The two remaining positions at ACLC and ILLC have now been filled. Both will start their projects in autumn 2021.
Liberty Notarte Balanquit

ACLC: Liberty Notarte Balanquit

Constraints on Filipino Sign Language Variations: sociolinguistic and typological perspectives

This project analyzes the sociolinguistic variations found not only on the lexical level in the domain of numerals but also on the syntactic level in the domain of negation using data from Filipino Sign Language (FSL), the nationally recognized visual-spatial language in the Philippines. Using a digital tool, Liberty will analyze how far the diverse forms of FSL in the selected domains are statistically distributed between genders and across regions. Liberty's supervisors will be Roland Pfau and Suzanne Aalberse.

Website Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication

ILLC: Maria Chiara Parisi

Mathematics & Scientific Explanation in Antiquity: A ‘Slow Science’ and ‘Big Data’ Study 

With a focus on clarifying the emergence of the paradox about mathematics (mathematics is explanatory vs. mathematics is not explanatory) within the ancient debate on scientific explanation, Maria Chiara’s research aims to find the stem and to assess the spread of the paradox over nine centuries by identifying actors, reconstructing the views and elucidating conceptual presuppositions, through qualitative, quantitative and computational methods. Maria Chiara’s supervisor will be Arianna Betti. 

Website Institute for Logic, Language and Computation