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The Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM), in partnership with the Amsterdam University Press, launched the new Conference Proceedings Series ‘History, Culture and Heritage’ under the editorship of Prof. Ihab Saloul.

The series aims to publish proceedings from conferences on history from late antique, medieval, and early modern European history to broader cultural heritage and contemporary studies, including topics such as memory studies, conflict, war and genocide, and to help PhDs, (Re)MA students and conference organizers to publish interdisciplinary articles on-site conferences as ‘Peer-reviewed Open Access Edited Volumes’ (online and in print).

The first AHM annual conference proceedings 2022, ‘Witnessing, Memory, and Crisis’ (edited by Ihab Saloul, Anna Schjøtt Hansen, Réka Deim, Dawid Grabowski, Mehmet Sülek, and Jante van der Naaten), has just been published and is available for download.