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Maria Fernanda Boza Cuadros (PhD, Syracuse University 2019) is a Peruvian historical and anthropological archaeologist whose work takes critical and decolonial approaches to disentangle experiences of marginalization in Peru since the European invasion in the sixteenth century.

Her current research, funded by the Wenner Gren Foundation, focuses on Peruvian so-called forgeries dating to the nineteenth century held by European museums, with emphasis on their production, circulation in the antiquities market, and their curation in museums across Europe. This project highlights the role of marginalized artists/excavators in the high-brow antiquities market, and how the rise of the museum curator as an authoritative voice further rendered these artists invisible. Before joining to ASCA, she was the lead researcher at the “Projekt Peru” at the Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover, and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at MARKK (Hamburg).