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Leni Van Goidsenhoven recently started as an Assistant Professor of Disability Studies at LCA.

Her research focuses on disability, illness, neurodiversity, inclusive learning environments, and representations of non­-normative bodyminds in arts and literature. She has a special interest in reconceptualizing ‘voice’, the importance of integrating lived experiences in research, and accessibility aesthetics. She mostly engages with new materialist thinking, crip theory, Mad and Disability studies, and (speculative) care ethics. At this moment, Leni is also a guest curator for the City theatre NtGent. Before coming to the UvA, Leni worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Philosophy Department of the University of Antwerp, where she was involved in the ERC project NeuroEpigenEthics, and at the Literary and Cultural Studies Department at KU Leuven.