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Narrative is one of the central genres of classical literature. In recent years the study of classical narrative has profited much from the introduction of narratology. This is the first introduction to narratology that is geared especially to classical students.

It starts with a brief introduction that sketches the rise of narratology in the previous century and its introduction into classics.

Four chapters discuss the most important narratological concepts and illustrate them with examples from ancient and modern texts. Topics discussed include the role of narrator and narratees, tales within tales, temporal manipulations like prolepsis and analepsis, focalisation, and the thematic, symbolic, or characterising functions of space.

The second half of the book offers three close-readings of famous narrative texts (a.o. Herodotus’ Histories and the gripping report on Pentheus’ death in Euripides’Bacchae) and shows how the narratology can enrich our interpretation of these well-known texts.

This is an Italian translation of Narratology and classics. A practical guide, which was published in 2014 by Oxford University Press. With an eye on the Italian user, a new chapter has been added on the story of the Fall of Troy in Virgil’s Aeneid 2.

I classici e la narratologia. Guida alla lettura degli autori greci e latini

  • Irene J.F. de Jong

  • Carocci Editore, Roma 2017

  • ISBN 978 88 430 8820 1