Lecture by Jesse Acevedo
While scholars have long applied Hirschman’s exit-voice-loyalty framework to understand the effects of emigration on politics, Acevedo argues that scholars have overlooked his distinction between private and public exit. He leverages the migrant caravan as a public form of exit in contrast to typical migration movements that are framed as private decisions.
Using a survey experiment and national election data, Professor Acevedo will show that exposure to the migrant caravan motivated voter turnout in Honduras. An exodus such as the migrant caravan produces nationalized signals that large flows of migration do not. This is part of a larger project on the role of exodus and political participation.
Professor Acevedo will also present the role of exodus on protest support and participation. He will also present preliminary results from El Salvador where the rise in unauthorized migration produces declines in presidential approval for its popular president. As border externalization grows around the world, this research shows the conditions where emigration would no longer be a safety valve for political leaders.
Acevedo is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Denver. His research focuses on political economy, democratization, and international migration. He is interested in the political economy of emigration and remittances in developing countries. Furthermore, he teaches courses on data analysis, research methods, comparative politics, Latin American politics, and political economy.
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