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Staff of the programme group Governance and Inclusive Development are actively involved as lecturers in both Bachelor and Master Programmes. The educational programmes themselves are strongly connected to research that is being conducted in the programme group.

The GID research programme is connected to two master-level teaching programmes and one minor: the one-year MSc International Development Studies (MIDS), the two-year Research Master’s International Development Studies (RMIDS), and the Minor International Development Studies. It also runs master’s courses on Advanced Environmental Geography.

Master International Development Studies (IDS)

International Development Studies focuses on countries in the global South, and the challenges they face while integrating in an increasingly globalised world.

The programme looks at economic growth strategies, social inequalities and the ways of dealing with these inequalities at multiple levels in both rural and urban contexts.
Visit the website of the Master IDS 

Research master International Development Studies (IDS)

The Research Master International Development Studies focuses on development processes and transformations and shifting balances of power in the Global South.

It concentrates on current debates on political, social, cultural, environmental and economic issues.
Visit the website of the Research Master IDS

Minor International Development Studies (IDS)

The minor IDS builds on the research of the Governance and Inclusive Development (GID) and Geographies of Globalisation group (GOG) of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR). The minor in International Development Studies comprises (in principal) one entire semester and consists of the compulsory course Introduction to International Development Studies (12 EC) and electives (18 EC in total) from the bachelor electives programme. 
Website minor International Development Studies (IDS)