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An innovative cyanide removal catalyst invented by Dr Paula Oulego Blanco, Dr Raveendran Shiju and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg from the University of Amsterdam’s Sustainable Chemistry Research Priority Area has been shortlisted for the Emerging Technologies Competition of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

The RSC Emerging Technologies Competition is an international event that aims to accelerate the commercialisation of innovative technologies in the areas of Health, Food & drink, Materials & enabling technologies, and Energy & environment. The cyanide removal catalyst competes in the latter category.

Dr. Raveendran Shiju holding catalyst
Dr Raveendran Shiju holding a catalyst particle. Photo: HIMS.

Enabling faster, cheaper and more efficient removal of cyanides from wastewater, it was invented at the Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry research group at the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences. A patent has been applied for and application tests are underway with industrial partners. The new catalyst has the potential for removing cyanide from industrial wastewater, with foremost applications in the steel and mining sectors.

The researchers will pitch their invention to a panel of experts, in front of a live audience, on 13 June 2017 at the RSC event Chemistry Means Business, bringing together start-ups, small and medium enterprises, multinational organisations, and academic entrepreneurs from across the chemistry-using community.