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The Analytical Chemistry Group focuses on the development of new or greatly improved techniques or methods for the analysis of complex mixtures. The technical focus is on one- and two-dimensional separation methods, on hyphenation with detection and sample-preparation systems and on chemometric techniques for data handling and optimization. The application focus is on macromolecules, forensic science and a variety of other fields.

The analytical techniques used include liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, field-flow fractionation, mass spectrometry and chemometrics. Key applications include composition of complex (co-)polymers, characterization of long-chain branching in polymers, degradation of biomaterials, diagnosis of tuberculosis and the profiling of explosives and flame accelerants.

Major research projects include those the COMFOR project (sponsored by NWO, with the Netherlands Forensic Institute and the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics),  HYPERformance LC (TA-COAST/NWO project with DSM Resolve, ThermoFischer Scientific, AkzoNobel, Rikilt, Shell, Syngenta, TNO, Avantor Performance materials and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) and Chromametrics (TA-COAST/NWO project with DSM Resolve, the Netherlands Forensic Institute and Rikilt).