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In his inaugural lecture, Jaap van Buul states that traveling blood cells use blood vessels as a Chinese wall to keep our immune system intact.
Event details of The vascular wall as a Chinese wall
3 July 2019
16:00 -17:00

Blood cells flow through our blood vessels and seem to know where to go if there is an inflammation somewhere. But the question remains as to how blood cells know where to go and how they do that. Blood vessels appear to be very active assistants for the blood cells, helping them decide where to leave the blood vessels to fight germs. Advanced microscopy plays a major and determining role in research in this field.

Prof. J.D. Buul, professor by special appointment of Molecular Cell Biology of Cell Migration: Reizen met open vizier: de vaatwand als Chinese muur.


This event is open to the public.

Aula - Lutherse kerk

Singel 411
1012 WN Amsterdam