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The UvA is the first university in the Netherlands with a carbon-neutral computer room. Students can use the computer room without increasing CO2 emissions thanks to a combination of energy conservation measures and green power generation. Minister of the Environment Jacqueline Cramer has officially opened the facility on 12 October as part of the Greenovator Tour.

The UvA is the first university in the Netherlands with a carbon-neutral computer room. Students can use the computer room without increasing CO2 emissions thanks to a combination of energy conservation measures and green power generation. Minister of the Environment Jacqueline Cramer has officially opened the facility on 12 October as part of the Greenovator Tour.

Econometrics student Ewoud de Kok managed to gain the support of the Board, which now enthusiastically supports his plans. The project aims to introduce today's students - and tomorrow's leaders - to sustainability in action. In total, the UvA will be investing over two hundred thousand Euros in the initiative. This amount will have been recouped after a period of fifteen years. The computer room's CO2 emissions will be neutralised from day one.

The largest UvA computer room features 250 PCs which - in combination with the room lighting - consume an annual total of 90,000 kWh, the equivalent of 26 households. The concept is based on four key aspects. First, all computers are fitted with a PC Power Management System (PCPM). This new system will help cut energy usage by an estimated fifty percent. In addition, energy-efficient TL5 lighting supplied by Greenlighting will use half the amount of energy consumed by old lighting systems. These measures will help reduce total energy consumption from the equivalent of 26 households to 12.

Wind and solar energy

The final two aspects consist of generating the necessary sustainable energy through solar and wind power. The state-of-the-art solar power system will be provided by up-and-coming established Amsterdam-based company De Zonnefabriek. This new solar panel is ideally suited to large, flat roofs such as the one on the UvA building. In addition, three small-scale Swift windmills are to be installed at Science Park Amsterdam, home to the UvA's Faculty of Science.

Minister Cramer has officially opened the computer room in building E on Roetersstraat 11 at 19:30 on Monday 12 October. The event was part of the Greenovator Tour, organised by the Ministry of the Environment in an effort to generate enthusiasm for sustainable entrepreneurship amongst young people in the Netherlands.