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In January 2010 the Amsterdam Centre for Entrepreneurship Schools (CASE) will launch its new training programme entitled ‘Growth and innovation management for socially committed entrepreneurs'. The initiative was developed in order to help socially committed entrepreneurs expand their businesses.

In January 2010 the Amsterdam Centre for Entrepreneurship Schools (CASE) will launch its new training programme entitled ‘Growth and innovation management for socially committed entrepreneurs'. The initiative was developed in order to help socially committed entrepreneurs expand their businesses.

The training programme is intended for managerial staff in socially committed businesses. An increasing number of experienced professionals are opting to take part in some form of socially committed entrepreneurship. With this group in mind, CASE has developed a programme offering in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge and personal development. Participants will learn how to expand their organisation and develop its innovative capacity. These goals are inextricably linked to the participants' personal development. Socially responsible entrepreneur Nicole Verhoeven developed the initiative in response to the growing need amongst entrepreneurs for a study programme in which knowledge is transferred within a creative environment.


The 'Growth and innovation management for socially committed entrepreneurs' training programme lasts nine months. In addition to specially-themed master classes taught by leading entrepreneurs and professors from each relevant discipline, participants will take part in a range of workshops. The programme also includes personal coaching and peer supervision. All participants work to attain both a personal learning target and a concrete goal for their own organisation.

About CASE

CASE is a collaboration between the University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences, Inholland Diemen, the Municipality of Amsterdam and various entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial organisations, designed to promote higher education amongst entrepreneurs. CASE helps bring students and entrepreneurs together both within and outside the framework of education, through initiatives such as the monthly Ondernemerscafé020 (020 Entrepreneurs Café).