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The University of Amsterdam is the highest ranking Dutch University according to THE QS World University Rankings 2009.

The University of Amsterdam (UvA), as it has in previous years, ranks as the best University in the Netherlands in the recently published THE QS World University Rankings 2009, the annual survey of the world's best universities.

The UvA climbed four places and now is ranked 49th. This means the UvA is the only Dutch University in the top 50. The top positions are held by Harvard University, University of Cambridge and Yale University. There are, in total, 11 Dutch universities in the top 200.

The UvA not only rose in the overall ranking but also improved its position across the board in regard to individual disciplines.

Arts & Humanities: 31 (2008: 36)
Social Sciences: 32 (2008: 43)
Natural Sciences: 85 (2008: 119)
Life Sciences & Biomedicine: 56 (2008: 80)
Engineering & IT: 126 -

The ranking is compiled on the basis of academic peer review, employers' reviews, the ratio of staff to students, the number of international students and lecturers, and the number of publications per faculty.

Dr Karel van der Toorn, President of the UvA's Board, said how pleased he was about the position the UvA gained in this year's rankings. 'This proves that the University of Amsterdam has an excellent international reputation'.