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Issue number 4 includes interviews with John Hollenbeck, Debora Vansteenwegen and Dirk Hermans, Keith Markus, Daniel Cervone, Michael Lee, Dick Jennings, Borís Burle, Richard Shiffrin, Russel Spears and Dacher Keltner.

The University of Amsterdam's Psychology Research Institute has published its own digital magazine since the summer of 2008: MindOpen. General Editor and Editor-in-Chief is publicist Vittorio Busato, who received his doctoral degree in Psychology from the UvA. MindOpen comes out in English and Dutch, and is distributed internationally.

Issue number 4 includes, among other things, interviews with John Hollenbeck, Debora Vansteenwegen and Dirk Hermans, Keith Markus, Daniel Cervone, Michael Lee, Dick Jennings, Borís Burle, Richard Shiffrin, Russel Spears and Dacher Keltner.

Prominent scientists tell about their research that has been recently published in high impact journals. MindOpen aims to make interesting scientific research accessible to a wide audience.

MindOpen is published twice a year. The latest issue can be downloaded for free by clicking on the link below.