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Last year the University of Amsterdam drew up 15 research priority areas: research areas that represent the very best that the UvA has to offer - and take an international leading role. In this way the UvA hopes to stimulate and safeguard first-class research. The booklet Research Priority Areas covers these topics.

Last year the University of Amsterdam drew up 15 research priority areas: research areas that represent the very best that the UvA has to offer - and take an international leading role. In this way the UvA hopes to stimulate and safeguard first-class research. The booklet Research Priority Areas covers these topics.

The booklet contains a short description of the contents of each research priority area as well as examples to explain what each research area involves.

For a PDF file of this booklet, more in-depth information as well as current news, you are referred to www.english.uva.nl/research.