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Sunday 13 December will see the Mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen, officially open the new Amsterdam Science Park train station.
Sunday 13 December will see the Mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen, officially open the new Amsterdam Science Park train station. Two hourly train services will depart from this station to Amsterdam Central Station and Almere when the new NS schedule takes effect on 13 December. The station was built as part of the BOR RegioNet programme (Bereikbaarheids Offensief Randstad, Randstad Accessibility Offensive), a collaboration between ProRail, NS and local and regional authorities aimed at improving railway access to the northern Randstad region.

Station square

The station consists of two covered platforms. A station square will be built to the west of the Kruislaan. The square will feature ‘greenery islands', bicycle sheds and a bus stop. Part of the square will be completed at the same time as the station.

Kruislaan tunnel

The underpass tunnel will be renovated. The road profile in the tunnel will be modified to create a footpath on both sides of the road and replace the current road surface. Additional lighting will also be installed in the form of art works, as a supplement to existing tunnel lighting.