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The renovation of the University Library was lauded with the The Great Indoors Award 2009 architecture and design award. Bureau Ira Koers, architectural firm, and graphic designer Roelof Mulder were responsible for the design and realisation of the renovated library
red room library
The renovation of the University Library was lauded with the The Great Indoors Award 2009 architecture and design award in the category 'Serve & Facilitate' on Saturday 28 November 2009. Ira Koers architects and graphic designer Roelof Mulder were responsible for the design and realisation of the renovated library. The red lending area was designed to allow University Library visitors to take and lend the materials they have requested from one of the 1,200 boxes without the intervention of library staff.

The ‘Serve & Facilitate' category includes designs for public facilities such as schools and libraries. A jury headed by leading architect Jo Coenen selected winning designs in 5 categories from a total of 380 entries from 40 countries.

From the jury report

An excerpt from the jury report on the University Library's design:

‘The tight budget and the provisional character, in combination with the abstract quality of the design, make this project an impressive winner.

'The Great Indoors Award was established in recognition of extraordinary work in the area of interior design, with the aim of promoting the profession amongst a broader audience. The award was initiated by the Marres Centre for Contemporary Culture, Frame, the trade magazine for interior and product design and NAiM / bureau Europa, a Maastricht-based organisation for architecture and design