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Amsterdam University College (AUC) celebrates its first Dies Natalis (the University's birthday) on Wednesday, 22 September 2010.
Amsterdam University College (AUC) celebrates its first Dies Natalis (the University's birthday) on Wednesday, 22 September. The two Rectores Magnifici of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the VU University Amsterdam (VU), the Board of the AUC, AUC students and staff, and other invited guests will be in attendance.

A number of key issues will take centre stage during the Dies celebrations: the importance of excellence in teaching and learning processes, the value of interdisciplinary education, and cooperation between the AUC, and the UvA and the VU with regard to the latter's Honours programmes. The speakers will be: Professor Jan Hindrik Ravesloot, professor of Physiology (AMC-UvA), chairperson of the Examinations Board and graduate of the VU Honours Programme 2010, Rosalie Salameh, and Berry Marttin MBA, executive board member of Rabobank Netherlands and AUC sponsor.

After their contributions, the AUC Lecturer of the Year Award 2009-2010 will be presented and the winner of the 2010 AUC essay contest will be announced. Mecanoo architects will present the new AUC teaching building and Aleksandra Bajde, AUC student and student at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (Amsterdam Conservatory of Music), will provide a musical accompaniment to the proceedings.

Time, location and participation

The Dies celebrations will take place on Wednesday, 22 September from 15.30 to 17.00. Guests are requested to be present no later than 15.15. Location: VU Auditorium, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam.

If you wish to attend the AUC Dies 2010, please register via info@auc.nl stating your name, position and contact details.

About AUC

The AUC offers a combined liberal arts and sciences education and is a joint initiative of the University of Amsterdam and the VU University Amsterdam. It was established with support from Amsterdam City Council and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. AUC stands for Excellence and Diversity in a Global City. The program is selective and very international. There are currently 400 students studying at the AUC. Education is in English and AUC students and lecturers come from all over the world.