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On Saturday 4 February, the cooled water pipelines at building D will be connected to the existing refrigeration machine in the courtyard between buildings E and G. Old pipes will be sawn through and fitted with a T-profile to which the new pipes will be hooked up. As this concerns internal construction work, we anticipate the noise disturbance to be minimal.

On Saturday 4 February, the cooled water pipelines at building D will be connected to the existing refrigeration machine in the courtyard between buildings E and G. Old pipes will be sawn through and fitted with a T-profile to which the new pipes will be hooked up. As this concerns internal construction work, we anticipate the noise disturbance to be minimal. The work will start no earlier than 08:00 and end no later than 16:00, and will be carried out by the firm Kuijpers .

Building D is now complete and has been taken into use, and the contractors are winding up activities there. Testing will commence on Monday 30 January. The last paintwork will be finished in the weekend prior (i.e. this weekend: 28 and 29 January), at which time the building will also be cleaned. These activities will be carried out only between 08:00 and 16:00 and should also generate little noise disturbance (internal work).

Relocation on Saturday, 4 February

A number of relocations will be taking place at building A on 4 February. Several classrooms will be removed from building A to building J/K, and there may also be an internal relocation at building A and removal of certain inventory to the former Diamond Exchange at Weesperplein. In short, various removal activities will be taking place on Saturday 4 February, mostly along Valckenierstraat.

Vans will be loaded at the rear of building J/K. The removals will start no earlier than 08:00 and end at 16:00. The internal relocation and removal to the Diamond Exchange are still to be confirmed, with the final decision to be announced by 31 January at the latest. Please consult the website for further updates.