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Since spring 2011, demolition and construction activities have been underway on buildings B and C at the Roeterseiland complex. The Municipality of Amsterdam has asked the University of Amsterdam (UvA) to prepare an acoustics report on the measures employed to limit the inconvenience created due to noise.

Since spring 2011, demolition and construction activities have been underway on buildings B and C at the Roeterseiland complex. The Municipality of Amsterdam has asked the University of Amsterdam (UvA) to prepare an acoustics report on the measures employed to limit the inconvenience created due to noise. This report has now been submitted to the urban district authorities.

Viewing the report

The report is part of the procedure associated with an ‘order subject to penalty’. The district authority has commissioned an independent agency to check the report for accuracy. This report has been attached for perusal. We are working on the possibility of publishing the sound tables on the website periodically, so that you can keep up-to-date on the noise levels of the scheduled activities.


Unmanned sound measurement stations have been set up at three different locations on Sarphatistraat (on façades facing the construction site), which register and record the noise levels 24 hours per day. These values are then assessed in accordance with the Circular on Building Noise 2010 (Circulaire Bouwlawaai 2010), using the average daytime value between 07.00 and 19.00. This value must lie between 60 dB(A) and 80 dB(A), with a preferred upper limit of 60dB (A).

Measures when exceeding the norm

The report is based on the initial measurements taken in December 2011 (demolition activities). If the norms are in danger of being exceeded, measures can be taken immediately to postpone or cease the work. The continuous measurements and notifications mean that action can be taken at any time. See also the ‘Questions and Answers’ section on this website.