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In an earlier communication we informed you that a few activities would need to be carried out on Saturday as a result of a planning delay. Concrete slabs and formwork will be installed on the inner courtyard this Saturday, 3 March.

In an earlier communication we informed you that a few activities would need to be carried out on Saturday as a result of a planning delay. Concrete slabs and formwork will be installed on the inner courtyard this Saturday, 3 March. The work will be carried out using a small machine and will cause minimal noise disturbance. Since the concrete slabs have already been delivered to the construction site the work only involves laying the slabs. There will be no sawing or vibrations. Tree sand will also be distributed between the concrete slabs.

The construction workers will work from 08:00 – 16:00 on Saturday. A staff member will be on hand to monitor any possible disturbance as well as the start and finish of the activities.