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The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has appointed three professors from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) as members of the Academy. These UvA professors are Carsten de Dreu, André Nollkaemper and Eric Opdam.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has appointed three professors from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) as members of the Academy. These UvA professors are Carsten de Dreu, André Nollkaemper and Eric Opdam. A total of fourteen new members will be inducted this year.

Dr. Carsten de Dreu (1966), Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology, and Andre Nollkaemper (1962), Professor of Public International Law, will join the Department of Literature, which covers the humanities, law, behavioural sciences and social sciences. Dr Eric Opdam (1960), Professor of Mathematics, will join the Department of Physics, which covers mathematical and physical sciences, life sciences and technical sciences.

KNAW members, leading scientists from all disciplines, are selected on the basis of nominations received from within and outside the Academy. Membership is for life. The KNAW has approximately five hundred members. The new KNAW members will be inducted during a ceremony at the Academy’s Trippenhuis on Monday, 10 September 2012.