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The Executive Boards of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the VU University Amsterdam (VU) are going to further develop cooperation between the two universities. On 16 May 2012, both Boards signed a declaration of intent to this end.

The Executive Boards of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the VU University Amsterdam (VU) are going to further develop cooperation between the two universities. On 16 May 2012, both Boards signed a declaration of intent to this end. The two universities started investigating the opportunities for achieving a qualitative leap through mutual cooperation in the autumn of 2011. The UvA and VU are convinced that further joining forces will lead to a stronger position in both national and international research communities, as well as boosting the quality of education and research at both universities.

Research, Master’s education and science faculty

The cooperation offers many opportunities, which may take different forms and vary per discipline. This also applies to the timetable to be followed. The cooperation will focus on all disciplines in which benefits can be achieved and explore the opportunities to realise:

  1. a joint programming of research in areas where the universities can complement and reinforce each other;
  2. the formation of joint Amsterdam Graduate Schools for initial and post-initial Master’s education;
  3. the formation of an integrated science faculty.

The possibility of an integrated science faculty for the UvA and the VU is being investigated. This applies to the Faculty of Science at the UvA and the two science-oriented faculties at the VU: the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences and the Faculty of Sciences. With all these initiatives, the cooperation will contribute to the top sector policy of the Dutch government and the Amsterdam Economic Board.

Amsterdam Academic Alliance

The UvA and the VU intend to form a number of academic alliances under the name Amsterdam Academic Alliance (AAA). The alliances will be created as a result of the UvA and the VU joining forces with each other and, where possible, with other Amsterdam academic institutions in various disciplines. By forming alliances, the UvA and VU want to create a strong starting position for Amsterdam with regard to national and international research consortia and the allocation of research funds. In addition, the two institutions want to increase the attraction of Amsterdam for top academic talent, in terms of both students and researchers. One of the aims of the cooperation is also to increase the quality culture in education and research at both institutions, as well as maintaining the breadth of teaching and research that befits Amsterdam’s position as a centre of culture, creative industry and business services. For students, it will mean a greater range of subjects, also through the existing cooperation with higher vocational education (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences and InHolland, University of Applied Sciences).


The UvA and the VU will strive to present an administrative proposal by 1 September detailing the legal, organisational and administrative design of the proposed cooperation, as well as presenting a cooperation agreement by 1 January 2013, which will further elaborate on the joint criteria and set the preconditions. Prior to the cooperation agreement being signed, the standard consultative process with representative advisory bodies will be followed.