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The Council of State have delivered their judgment in the matter of the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) appeal regarding the use of the plinth level in building A. The UvA’s appeal was dismissed.

The Council of State have delivered their judgment in the matter of the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) appeal regarding the use of the plinth level in building A. The UvA’s appeal was dismissed. As a result, the Council of State has made a final decision on the new zoning plan for the City Centre East (Oostelijke Binnenstad). In accordance with the renovation plans for building A, the UvA restaurant will be on the plinth level (ground floor) of the Nieuwe Achtergracht. Both the new and the previous zoning plans allow this space to be used as a restaurant for the UvA (building-related catering services). Catering, in terms of the commercial cafe and restaurant sectors (catering 3/4), is not permitted under the zoning plan. The UvA is currently negotiating this matter with the city centre district council (stadsdeel Centrum). The procedures which need to be followed to allow commercial catering on the plinth level are currently being examined.

Background to the appeal

The zoning plan for the Eastern City Centre (Oostelijke Binnenstad) was specified by the urban district council on 28 September 2010. This plan does not permit commercial catering on the plinth level of building A on the Roetersstraat. In December 2010, the UvA appealed against this decision.

The appeal concerns making it possible to have commercial catering in the above-mentioned part of building A so that UvA staff and students, as well as local residents and tourists, can make use of these catering facilities. In addition to the UvA, other parties have lodged an appeal against the zoning plan. The appeals were dealt with by the Council of State on Tuesday, 8 May and their judgment was delivered on Wednesday, 4 July.

Please note: This message only deals with the UvA appeal. For the other appeals against the zoning plan for the Eastern City Centre (Oostelijke Binnenstad), please contact the city centre district council (stadsdeel Centrum).