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The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is the top Dutch university in the QS World University Rankings for the third year in a row.

The UvA ranked one place higher than last year and is now in 62nd place worldwide. The rankings were published on Tuesday, 10 September 2012.

The rankings by subject are divided into 5 categories: Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences & Management, Life Sciences and Medicine, Engineering and Technology and Natural Sciences.  The UvA was in the  global top 50 for a number of subjects:


  • Arts and Humanities - 43rd place overall, Geography in 21st place, Linguistics in 25th place (best in Europe),  and Philosophy in 46th place;
  • Social Sciences and Management - 41st place overall, Communication in 13th place, Sociology in 29th place and Law in 38th place.;
  • Natural Sciences - ranked 75th overall
  • Life Sciences & Medicine - ranked 69th overall
  • Engineering & Technology - ranked 213rd overall


QS World University Rankings are compiled based on academic reputation (40%), employer reputation (10%), citations (20%), the ratio of staff to students (20%), the number of international academic staff (5%) and the number international students (5%).

Global top 3

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA) topped the list, followed by the University of Cambridge (UK) in second place and Harvard University (USA) in third place. In total, there are four Dutch universities in the top 100: the UvA (62), Leiden University (75), Utrecht University (85) and Erasmus University Rotterdam (99).

Further information