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UvA archeologist Joris Kilva has been awarded the Blue Shield Preis 2012 for his book titled Heritage under Siege: Military Implementation of the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property. His book is an edited version of his doctoral thesis on the protection of cultural heritage, which he defended at the UvA in early 2012.

The Österreichischen Nationalkomittees Blue Shield awards the Blue Shield Preis to those dedicated to preserving cultural heritage. The award ceremony will be held in Vienna on Wednesday, 17 October.

The commercial edition of Heritage under Siege: Military Implementation of the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property was published by Brill publishing house in June 2012. Joris Kilva is also the editor of the Heritage and Identity: Issues in Cultural Heritage Protection series, also published by Brill.

Field research

Kilva regularly carries out field research. He has made several visits to Libya to assess how the recent conflict has affected the state of the country’s cultural heritage. Previously, he made similar visits to Egypt in the wake of the recent riots. Kilva conducted these visits with an international team. Among other key locations, he inspected Leptis Magna and Sabratha, two major Roman archaeological sites, and visited the National Museum in Tripoli.