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The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a Rubicon grant to two promising UvA scientists, enabling the young researchers to gain research experience abroad.

A total of 20 young researchers will receive funds from the Rubicon programme during this round of allocations. In all, researchers submitted 102 grant applications.

The grant recipients

Dr Jop Briët (Mathematics and Computing Science): 'Simultaneous progress in coding theory and quantum entanglement'

The fields of mathematics and computing science produce digital data at an phenomenal rate. Processing this data presents an enormous challenge. Briët’s research project aims to analyse more effective data storage and transfer methods, based on state-of-the-art codes and quantum entanglement.


The research project is being conducted at New York University’s Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences (US).

Dr Bianca Buurman (Medicine): 'Leaving the hospital in a better condition?'

Many elderly patients leave hospital with functional disabilities. As a result, they can no longer live at home without external assistance. How does this happen, and what can be done to help elderly patients recover? Over the course of this project, Buurman will be assessing different methods to help the elderly revalidate after a hospital stay.


The research project will be conducted at Yale University’s Faculty of Medicine (US).