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Six UvA bachelor’s students have been selected to take part in Huawei’s ‘Seeds for the Future’ programme this summer. The students will travel to China where they will spend two weeks further developing their ICT knowledge and getting acquainted with the ICT sector. At the same time they will gain experience in a cross-cultural work setting. Ten students in all from the Netherlands are participating in the programme. The official kick-off was on Tuesday 9 July in Amsterdam.

The students depart for China on 12 July and will first travel to Beijing where they will attend a cultural course at the Beijing University of Language and Culture. They’ll learn the basics of Chinese language and they will be given an introduction to Chinese culture. Next, they will go Huawei headquarters in Shenzhen to learn about the latest technological developments. One of the main themes here will be how technology can make the ICT industry more sustainable. The students will prepare a case study on this topic and present their results when they return to the Netherlands.

Work-readiness skills

Among the UvA students, four are enrolled in the Artificial Intelligence bachelor’s programme, one is an Information Science student, and one is studying Physics and Astronomy. The UvA has a two-fold interest in participating in this programme: the university feels it is important that students are offered a wide range of opportunities to acquire experience learning abroad and the UvA is aware of a growing demand among employers for graduates who possess work-readiness skills in addition to their academic skills.

This is the sixth year in a row that Huawei is organising the ‘Seeds for the Future’ programme. The UvA has been a partner in this programme since 2014. In addition to the UvA, Leiden University, University of Twente, and Eindhoven University of Technology are also programme participants this year. Huawei’s programme works with more than one hundred universities in 35 countries within Europe.