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The Universities of Amsterdam and Birmingham have intensified their collaboration with a strategic partnership. Both universities have worked together for a number of years in the area of staff and student exchange. The new partnership will initially focus on two areas: equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI); and medical training and research.
Memorandum of Understanding University of Amsterdam - University of Birmingham 2019
Karen Maex and Tim Jones sign the partnership agreement

The partnership agreement was signed at a special ceremony on 2 July by University of Birmingham Provost Professor Tim Jones and University of Amsterdam Rector Magnificus Karen Maex. The renewal of the partnership between both institutions was marked by a two-day joint EDI workshop on creating an inclusive culture within institutions of higher learning.

‘The partnership with Birmingham will provide new opportunities for our students and staff to work together and create new synergies’, said Maex. ‘I’m very pleased that we have renewed and intensified our collaboration.’

‘We believe our collaboration will produce excellent opportunities for students in both countries and high-profile research with global impact. At the same time it will promote equality, diversity and inclusion’, added Jones.