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The University of Amsterdam is in 20th place in the Europe Teaching Rankings 2019. In this ranking, published on Thursday 4 July, Times Higher Education (THE) assesses teaching at European universities.

THE primarily bases the rankings on the results of the Times Higher Education European Student Survey. Approximately 125,000 students from 18 countries took part in the student survey. This year, five Dutch universities took part in the ranking, with four of them placing in the top-30. The United Kingdom was well-represented in the ranking: no less than 17 British universities made it into the top-20. Coming in at first place in Europe is the University of Oxford. In total, THE ranked 258 universities this year from 18 different countries.


When compiling the Teaching Rankings, THE looks at a total of 14 factors, distributed over four categories:

  • Engagement (effective engagement with students)
  • Resources (resources to deliver teaching)
  • Outcomes (academic success)
  • Environment (an inclusive teaching and learning environment)
ABS executive programmes
Photo: Dirk Gillissen