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The UvA's plans for using the student loan funds, in the context of the so-called Higher Education Quality Agreements, have been positively assessed by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) assessment panel. The panel judged that the plans meet the set of all three criteria. This is a provisional assessment that the panel shared on Tuesday, 8 October following its site visit to the UvA. Based on this assessment, NVAO will advise the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, who will make the final decision.

The panel concluded that the UvA’s plans contribute to improving the quality of education and that the plans are feasible. The chairperson of the committee made a number of minor recommendations with regard to making expectations explicit to allow for more specific evaluation of investments. He also complimented the UvA on the degree of involvement of the co-participation councils and the academic community as a whole. He recommended that the student representatives continue to be well supported, so that new students are also quickly introduced to the subject.

With this assessment, the UvA is expected to get permission to spend the money resulting from the proceeds of the introduction of the student loan system. These student loan funds will be allocated annually by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the amount will increase each year. For example, €7.7 million will be available in 2019 and €9.2 million in 2020.

The plans will be implemented in phases over the coming years. Some components have already begun because the University was required to spend the money from 2019. In 2022 and 2024, NVAO will assess how the implementation of the UvA’s plans is progressing.