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Marissa de Boer (UvA), Jill Coster van Voorhout (UvA) and Bernadette de Bakker (Amsterdam UMC), together with their teams, are the winners of the 2019 Science & Innovation Awards. The three researchers will each receive 7,500 euros to further develop their ideas and bring them to the market.
Winners Marissa de Boer, Jill Coster van Voorhout and Bernadette de Bakker

In the Alpha/ Gamma category, the research team of Jill Coster van Voorhout (UvA) received the Award for their innovative combination of various research methods to trace criminal money flows in bank data. With this innovation, tracking down crimes like human trafficking, money laundering and corruption becomes more effective and secure.

In the category Beta, the Award was allocated to the 'SusPhos process', which addresses the phosphate issue. The research team of Marissa de Boer of the UvA is developing technology that aims to generate a circular phosphate economy by processing phosphate-containing waste into high quality products such as fertilizer and fire retardants.

In the Life Sciences category the team of Bernadette de Bakker of Amsterdam UMC won the Award with 3D printed models of embryos. The embryo models that are currently used in medical education are outdated and expensive., With the customized 3D embryo models, doctors and midwives can better recognize birth defects.

About the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards

The Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award is a price for the most innovative research-based idea of Amsterdam. This competition was started fourteen years ago, bythe Knowledge Transfer Offices of Amsterdam UMC, UvA, HvA and VU (later jointly named Innovation Exchange Amsterdam or IXA), to increase the visibility of valuable ideas based on scientific research.