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Martin van Hees, Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities of Free University Amsterdam (VU), has been appointed as dean of Amsterdam University College (AUC). The appointment is for a term of 5 years, effective 1 March 2021.
Martin van Hees
Martin van Hees

The rectors of the VU and UvA are very pleased with the appointment of Martin van Hees as dean of AUC. Karen Maex, rector magnificus UvA: 'His drive for education, educational innovation and his vision to link AUC more explicitly with VU and UvA inspire great confidence to raise AUC's profile in the current educational landscape'. Vinod Subramaniam,rector magnificus VU): 'Given his experience as dean of the John Stuart Mill College, we are convinced that he is the right person for this position.

Before becoming professor of ethics at VU Amsterdam, van Hees was professor of ethics at the University of Groningen, and professor of political theory at the University of Amsterdam. Since 2016, van Hees served as dean of the John Stuart Mill College of VU Amsterdam and as programme director for the VU's Philosophy, Politics & Economics Bachelor's programme. Van Hees has been a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) since 2013 with his research interests focusing on examining moral and political values, including the relationship between social justice and individual freedom.

Martin van Hees: ‘Amsterdam University College is a wonderful institute where various elements of educational innovation come together. I’m looking forward to contributing to it'.

About AUC

AUC is a joint teaching institute between the UvA and VU Amsterdam and offers a liberal arts and sciences programme at the Bachelor’s level. AUC attracts highly motivated students from the Netherlands and around the world for its small-scale interdisciplinary academic programme and residential campus. Lecturers from diverse international backgrounds immerse students in dynamic classrooms while also serving as academic tutors to offer more personal advice and guidance. The diversity of backgrounds and academic interests creates a vibrant community where students learn and live together.

Martin van Hees succeeds Prof. Murray Pratt whose term as dean expired on 1 February 2021.

The recruitment and selection was done jointly by the Faculty of Science deans of the VU and UvA,  Peter van Tienderen and Guus Schreiber, with close involvement and participation of AUC students and staff.