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UvA Open is organized for and by alumni of the University of Amsterdam in a brand new online format.

The theme of UvA Open 2021 is Wellbeing. Wellbeing has many different roles in these times of Covid; it is experienced on an individual level, but often on a broader, collective level as well. How do we respond to challenging circumstances, how do we take care of each other? And how can we, at the UvA, contribute to a broader wellbeing of our staff, alumni and other valued contacts?

UvA Open 2021 will take place from Wednesday 2 to Saturday 5 June 2021. The event is organized for and by alumni of the University of Amsterdam, in a brand new - online - format. This year the event takes place not just over one day, but over four days. A varied programme is on offer. There will be a daily keynote speaker and a talk show with interesting guests where theme related topics will be discussed.