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The new research priority area 'Energy transition through the lens of Sustainable Developments Goals' (ENLENS) announces its third call for project proposals. ENLENS unites researchers working on economic, environmental, technological, social, political, and business aspects of the energy system, the energy transition, and Sustainable Development Goals.

ENLENS aims to stimulate and initiate interdisciplinary cross-faculty research that maps the energy transition in the Netherlands and Europe against the Sustainable Development Goals beyond Dutch (or European) borders with focus on trade-offs and synergies.

Through this call, ENLENS will provide seed money for cross-faculty initiatives to generate new opportunities for researchers to apply their expertise in an interdisciplinary approach, and develop joint proposals for external research funding.


Application procedure 

You can apply by sending your proposal to the ENLENS Selection Committee, using the following e-mail address: enlens-science@uva.nl. Please use "ENLENS call" as the subject of your mail.

Application deadlines

1 April and 1 October each year, but intermediate submissions may be considered.

Approved projects (examples)