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Dr Jan Aten of the Faculty of Medicine has been elected UvA Lecturer of the Year 2022. Students from the jury Robin Blom (member Central Student Council) and Paula Eikelboom (vice-chair of ASVA Student Union) announced this during the UvA Education Day in the Singelkerk.
Paula Eikelboom (ASVA), Jan Aten and Robin Blom (CSR) at the announcement
From left to right: Paula Eikelboom (ASVA), Jan Aten and Robin Blom (CSR) (photo by Ljilja Suvajdzic)

Aten teaches Pathology in the Bachelor of Medicine program. In addition to teaching, Jan is coordinator of the pathology course and studies experimental pathology in the areas of immunology, nephrology and cell biology.

The judges are impressed with Aten's structured approach to teaching. 'We have seen in his video lectures that when Aten introduces a new topic, he first refers to knowledge the students already have. This makes it easier for them to understand the new material.' According to the judges, Aten's course manual stands out for its clarity. In clear and simple language, Aten explains to students the expected learning outcomes and how they can apply their acquired knowledge in practice. Aten encourages students to look carefully and attentively at the material, and he encourages them to self-regulate their learning.

Calmness and patience

'Aten knows how to create a friendly and open atmosphere in his classes. He knows his students' names and exudes calmness and patience so that students feel space to ask questions. His feedback to students is very constructive. It is no wonder that students praise his kindness and support and his ability to explain complicated material very clearly. In his classes, Aten strikes a wonderful balance between support and guidance and encouraging self-regulation. As a result, Jan Aten is this year's UvA Lecturer of the Year 2022.'

Announcement during Education Day


Jan Aten was named UvA Lecturer of the Year 2022 by a jury. This jury consists of Tessa Trapp (chair of the Central Student Council), Robin Blom (member of the Central Student Council), Paula Eikelboom (vice chair of the ASVA Student Union), Geert ten Dam (president of Executive Board) and David Bos (UvA Lecturer of the Year 2021). In April, each faculty nominated a Lecturer of the Year, namely Mohammad Nasiri (Economics and Business Administration), Erik Bekkers (Faculty of Natural Sciences), Vassilis Dafnomillis (Faculty of Law), Colin Sterling (Faculty of Humanities), Milio van der Kamp (Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences) and Richard aan de Stegge (Faculty of Dentistry).

The jury studied lectures, teaching materials, course content and manuals, and all comments made by students and staff about the seven faculty lecturers to decide on who was UvA Lecturer of the Year 2022.