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The UvA Education Day is an event to share, discuss and anticipate inspiring ideas, projects and practical examples from education, and look ahead to the (near) future of education. The annual Education Day is organized for everyone within the UvA who is involved in education, such as teachers, other education professionals and students.

Celebration of education

The UvA Education Day is organised by the network of Teaching & Learning Centres and celebrates education at the UvA. Colleagues from all faculties are invited to participate. Together, we focus this day on the importance of education. In a relaxed and convivial manner, we delve into an annually changing topic or theme, which is the central focus of the Education Day.

Purpose of the UvA Education Day

Do you participate in the UvA Education Day? Then you will go home at the end of that day with a feeling of connection with colleagues, with education in general and with the UvA. In the process, you take a lot of newly acquired knowledge with you. It is a day of conversation, wonder and inspiration. Substantive themes are central, but also the convivial reunion with colleagues while enjoying interesting keynotes, workshops, lunch and drinks. 

Awards for teachers and students   

Because UvA considers good and inspiring education important, teachers and a subject or project that contributes to good and inspiring education are awarded with the UvA Education awards. In addition, the best and most original master's theses written at UvA are awarded the UvA Thesis Prize. From the faculty winners, the jury awards the student with the best thesis of academic year 2023-2024. 

UvA Education Day 2024: Connectedness in education

The next UvA Education Day will take place on Tuesday 22 October and will be about Connectedness in education

Curious about the latest UvA Education Days? Take a look at the video impressions below. 

UvA Education Day 2023
Impression Education Day 2023

On Tuesday 23 May, the UvA Education Day 2023 took place at the Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam Noord, with Dr Maryn Wilkinson as chair of the day. Practicing limitless thinking together, discovering the possibilities of imagination and stepping outside your comfort zone were the main focuses. Keynote speakers Prof Dr Finn Thorbjørn Hansen and Dr Kim van Broekhoven took participants into the world of creativity, imagination and 'Deep Wonder'.

UvA Education Day 2022
Impression Education Day 2022

The UvA Education Day 2022 took place Thursday 6 October and focused on the theme 'Learning as a community'. The keynote of Dr David Kellermann's showcased advantages and disadvantages of the hybrid campus. Lecturers and staff joined several community cafés and workshops, and the Central Student Council and ASVA Student Union announced the UvA Lecturer of the Year 2022.

Education Day 2021
Education Day 2021

The UvA Education Day 2021 was an online event. Watch the full recording here.